SSD Data recovery – Difficult but not impossible ($660 flat fee)
Data loss is a very difficult and emotional experience. The first thing you should know is that it is not your fault. There are many factors that can lead to data loss, and most of them are out of your control. If you have data that you need recovered from an SSD, contact us immediately. Don’t risk permanent data loss.
The good news is that SSD data recovery is possible in most cases. However, it is important to understand that data recovery cannot always be carried out by the home user. In many cases, professional help will be required.
Before you try any recovery from an SSD drive, here are some tips for SSD data recovery:
1. Do not try to fix the problem yourself – This is one of the most important things to remember. Trying to fix the problem yourself can make the situation worse and may even lead to permanent data loss. If the data on your drive is not that important, but you would still like to attempt to recover data, you can try using some of the free data recovery software programs available. However, if the data is important to you, it is best to leave the job to the professionals.
2. Do not use any type of physical force – This includes shaking, bending or hitting the Solid State Drive. Physical force can damage the internal components of the SSD and make some of the soldered joints become detached from the main part of the board. If this occurs, you will find that the data will be unreadable, and file recovery will in some instances become impossible, if not extremely difficult.
3. Do not attempt to open or solder the drive or its flash memory. Again, this could cause physical damage to the drive and make data recovery impossible. If you need to send the drive off for professional data recovery services, make sure that you package it securely to prevent any further damage.
4. Do not try to repair the drive yourself – Unless you are a qualified engineer with experience in repairing SSDs, it is best not to attempt any repairs yourself. This is because even a small mistake could render the drive unrecoverable, and extended use of online data recovery tools could increase the amount of bad blocks present that save data on a failed SSD. If these bad blocks increase, more and more data will be lost and the amount of recovered files will be much less.
5. Do not use software programs that claim to ‘fix’ or ‘repair’ SSDs – If they write to the drive, they may be causing more harm than good.
6. Do not try various adapters if you do not know what you are doing. M.2 drive whether NVME, AHSI, PCI-E and SATA SSDs may have similar connections, but if you force your SSD into the wrong adapter, or even into one that it fits, but is not compatible, it can cause further damage to your drive.
Why does an SSD drive fail? Can data recovery be successful?
There are many reasons that the various storage devices you own may fail. The operating system may fail while writing data to the drive. Software failures may cause data to be accidentally deleted from your internal or external Hard drive. Data recovery in these situations can be carried out in most cases.
Each type of hard drive may have its own issues in terms of failures and ways of recovery. A spindle (spinning) disk drive has many moving parts, some only 7 nanometers above vital other parts. If the read/write heads of a spindle drive hit the platters where the data is contained, you can find that the data can be scraped off at the rate of 7200 RPM if not more.
SD cards have other issues that will cause them to fail. Again, it is possible for data recovery to be preformed in that case as well, but with different techniques.
If we are talking about SSD data recovery, here in Melbourne we are able to recover from most types of damage to a drive, and accidental loss. We are also able to recover from all M.2, NVME, SATA and MAC SSD hard drives that file. The one thing we are not able to recover data from in terms of an SSD, is when the TRIM command is enabled on the hard drive, and data is deleted from the operating system. TRIM is basically a way that keeps the solid state drives working more efficiently by erasing the data on all deleted sectors from an SSD drive.
There are however, many other ways that an SSD can fail and appear broken and unrecoverable. We have received many here that have been assessed by IT companies as not recoverable, and yet, using patented technology that reads the drives in Read only mode, have been able to successfully recover the data from an SSD.
As an SSD hard drive does not have any moving parts, it has a different way of breaking than a spindle disk.
An SSD can have damage to the NAND FLASH memory that contains the data which can cause data loss in the form of bad sectors. We can often recover from these using special hardware and other techniques that kick start the hard drive into starting again.
They can have damage to the controller (which creates the method of how the data is stored on the memory chips.) We can often recover from these as well, by repairing the damage to the controller, or replacing it all together.
SSDs can also have electrical damage that stops any data from being read from the drive. With the right technology and experience, we can recover from most electrical damage as well.
Firmware damage to the drive can also cause data loss. This is where the software driving the SSD is damaged. We are able to in most cases rebuild the part of the firmware that is damaged and therefore rebuild the data integrity so that all data can once more become visible and recoverable on the drive.
Call us on (03) 9832 0999
So if you have an SSD hard drive that is not showing up on your computer and you need SSD data recovery on it, send it in to our Melbourne (Malvern) office for a free examination and a flat $660 fee if recoverable.
SSD drives are fast becoming the hard drive of choice for more and more computers and laptops. The main benefits of modern SSDs are manly speed and the lack of any moving parts.
But just because SSDs do not have moving parts, does not mean that there will be no need for data recovery. SSDs fail in ways that are different to spinning disk hard drives because they store their data in different ways.
We are passionate about data recovery

Apple, SATA and NVME SSD Connector types
We recover your lost photos/documents from all types of Apple Mac, SATA, and PC NVME M.2. SSD types.